Meet Dr. Seima Diaz

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist

Doctoral degree in Education (Ed.D) of Counseling Psychology

Psychology Speaker

Master of Arts (MA) in Counseling Psychology

Self-Development Retreat Host

Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Behavioral Science
I've always believed in following your inner guidance
As a child growing up in a culture that dismissed mental health, I often felt confused and in search of understanding the behaviors and motivations of others. This curiosity lead me into the field of psychology where I found a path to understand myself and others. It quickly became my life's purpose to guide others in their quest for self-development.
I feel aligned, inspired, and filled with JOY when I am doing this work
In order to consistently be the truest version of myself, I attend to my own healing daily. I do this through self-healing modalities such as meditation, prayer, exercise, nutritious eating, intention setting, and my own psychotherapy.
“Dr. Diaz taught me to believe in and focus on the Divine light inside of me, and how to use that to guide my life toward the positive. I believe we all need people who see our gifts and strengths and believe in us, especially during dark times when they can reflect our light back to us. I am so appreciative of all the ways she has done that for me." -Andrea H.
"Dr. Diaz's seminars have really challenged me to look inward and grow. She makes me feel safe but challenges me to think deeply about a lot of things. She has taught me so much about mindfulness and meditation." -Anne F.
“I learned so much in Dr. Diaz's class. What I learned wasn't so much from the content, but rather from her presence and feedback. I truly feel myself healing and growing into a better person since incorporating the techniques she taught us.” -Art N.​
“Dr. Seima has taught me so much about the importance of being ‘present’ in any season of my life and learning from trials. Her work is so real and dynamic.” -Jenn B.
“I was really looking forward to taking Dr. Diaz's class. I heard from other students that her classes challenge students to grow in their interpersonal skills. I'm very content with how much I learned from her on not only a personal level, but also how to integrate spirituality into my own therapy practice one day.” -Faye T.
“Dr. Seima Diaz is extremely knowledgeable and teaches important aspects related to social and emotional health. Her ability to connect and develop positive rapport facilitates a deep learning process, which opens the door to the healing process. Her presence is extremely valuable as she walks along side those who are dealing with difficult circumstances. Through the connections she establishes, she is able to impact lives in a positive way. I am truly amazed on how understanding she is of peoples emotional needs, as well as the attention she gives to those who need support…her words truly came from the heart.” -Danny O.